7 Şubat 2012 Salı

Looking Back-On the mountain

Let's summarize what had happened until the scene that Stanley and Zero were besides a stone figure called ‘big thumb’ on a mountain. They have managed to survive on the mountain by eating onions and drinking muddy water, but they haven't known what to do next.
As you all know, Stanley was sentenced to be sent to the Camp Green Lake, which was unlike its meaning a barren wasteland and young boys made improve their chararacters by digging holes everyday. Although he had problems with socializing, he managed to build friendships with the others. One day he found a metal object with a symbol 'KB' and then they all were made dig more than usual that whole week. He realized there that it wasn't just character improvement intented to reach at the Camp Green Lake. There was a boy called Zero, who was behaved as an idiot, as a 'nothing'. When he saw Stanley was writing a letter to his mom, he asked him to teach reading&writing. After about 2 or 3 weeks, Stanley had a fight with one of the boys there, and Zero defended Stanley. But then the situation got worse and Zero ran away from the camp. Because the officials didn't seem to care Zero, Stanley felt guilty and he also escaped from the camp to find Zero. He found him and escaped together to a mountain seen also from the camp. 
w. 235

The plan showing the way walked by Stanley and Zero.

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